to bring hope to those who have none  


Hej, jag och en vän reste till Afrika i november 2012 för att spendera fem veckor på Hope Foundation, Tanzania / Marangu. Vi visste inte vad vi hade att förvänta oss och hade aldrig varit i Afrika innan, det var en stor erfarenhet från början till slutet av resan. När vi kom till Hope Foundation, och fick träffa familjen och barnen mötes vi  av stor kärlek. En vanlig dag på hope foundation lekte vi med barnen och hjälpte till på skolan med matematik och engelska, på kvällarna, hjälpte vi med matlagningen. Efter fem veckor på Hope Foundation, skulle vi resa runt lite och till slut se Zanzibar, men hela tiden saknade vi barnen och ville återvända till barnhemmet. Vi hade en fantastisk tid på Hope Foundation, och vi hoppas att åka tillbaka en dag. Alla de som funderar på att  besöka Hope Foundation, eller som volontär, är detta rätt plats att åka till. Det är fortfarande saker kvar som kan göras på barnhemmet och kanske du är villig att hjälpa och vara en del av hope fondation.


Hi, me and a friend traveled to Africa in November 2012 before spending five weeks on the Hope Foundation, Tanzania / Marangu. We did not know what to expect and had never been to Africa before, it was a great experience from the beginning to the end of the trip. When we got to Hope Foundation, and got to meet the family and children at the orphanage we felt allot of  love. In one day at the orphanage, we played with the children and helped at the school with some math and English, in the evenings, we helped with the cooking. After five weeks on the Hope Foundation, we would travel around a bit and in the end see Zanzibar, but the whole time we missed the kids and wanted to return to the orphanage. We had a great time at Hope Foundation, and we hope to go back one day. All those who are looking to go and visit the Hope Foundation, or to volunteer, this is the right place to go. Its allot of things left that can be done at the orphanage and maybe you are willing to help and be a part of hope foundation.


We are having an amazing time with the Hope Foundation in Tanzania. We have had great fun playing games with the children, as well as singing many songs and teaching the children the actions. We have be made to feel welcome by everyone here. It is great to see children playing and just enjoying being children. They love to learn and they are all very interested in our lives in the UK, We have only been here a week so far, but we are making the most of every day. This certainly will be an experience that we will all never forget. The children and adults from the hope foundation will forever be in our hearts.


My name is Diana and I volunteered with Hope Foundation Tanzania for about a month, teaching at the elementary school, playing with the children and attending church with the founding family and children.

I cannot begin to express my gratitude for the amazing experience that I had, getting to know such warm, welcoming people, being a part of their culture, and being treated so kindly, with open arms.
Mama and Pastor, who run Hope Foundation Orphanage, along with a Church and School, have brought an amazing vision to pass. They continue to do whatever it takes to assist in the lives of over 40 children who would otherwise be without homes, direction, education, medical care, schooling, and love. They welcomed me with open arms and fed me, sheltered me and invited me to church and local events with the family, while I served in the school and with the children of Hope Foundation.

Honestly, though I shared my time and efforts while teaching, playing, praying and loving, I do not feel that I was the one giving service. I was the one who truly received the service: receiving smiles, hugs, love, laughter and happiness at Hope Foundation. The scenery was beautiful; the people were friendly and grateful, I felt safe and at home in the tropical hills of Marangu, TZ. The village is relatively remote and was certainly a change of culture for me. I grew to appreciate the conveniences and blessings I have in my  homelife and came to value the simplicity of a life without frivolity. The people of Tanzania and Hope Foundation showed a deep understanding of how to live a life centered in Christ, with priorities based on those things of an eternal nature, forgoing the things that so many of us take for granted.
While at Hope Foundation, I had the pleasure of teaching various classes in the school (also run by Hope Foundation) called Mwika Integrity School. I have never before seen such dedicated children, taking rigorous notes, learning everything they could, knowing how greatly it would affect their futures. The curriculum is challenging and the teachers do a great job, though resources and materials are scarce. The children speak English surprisingly well and are bright young people! I only hope to have children as motivated and kind as they are someday.
I encourage anyone who is interested in volunteering with Hope Foundation to stay for at least a month, if possible, to feel comfort in knowing they will be well taken care of and safe, and to do something amazing! Do something that you can look back on and be proud of! Have an adventure and give service to the wonderful orphans and family at HOPE!


I had the opportunity to volunteer for a month at Hope Foundation, and the experience changed my life.  I have volunteered in a few countries, but this has been my favorite volunteering experience to date.  You get to live with the wonderful owners, next to the orphanage.  This enables you to be fully immersed in the culture and experience everything with the children: from school, to play, to church.  Living with the owners, I was able to form a close bond with the children, the caretakers, and the volunteer coordinator.  I attended church with them and got involved with not only the orphanage, but the school and the community.  I felt like a part of the family.  Everyone was so kind and welcoming.


The school was a great place to work.  I am a teacher in America, and I learned a lot from working at the Hope Foundation school.  The kids are so eager and ready to learn, and I was so impressed with their English.  It was a joy to be their teacher for a month,

When I was not working in the school, I was playing with the children at the orphanage. They are so happy to just sing songs with you and play little games, and they so willingly give you their love.  I fell in love with so many of the kids, and I am glad that I have been able to skype with them a few times since I left. 

As a volunteer, you are safe at all times, and you have the guidance of the wonderful English speaking coordinator, Thomas Soi, with you to help you experience Tanzania.  If I ever needed to go into the main town, all I had to do was ask and Thomas would escort me. 

I want to go back as I really feel like I will always be part Tanzanian.  The culture, the people, the warmth was all just so amazing! I recommend anyone to go to Hope Foundation.  You will be safe and well cared for.  You will have the time of your life as long as you go there with the attitude to serve and love the people.





Ulrika Hamberg, Sweden

I stayed at Hope foundation for a month in the end of 2012. I had a lot of fun and came to a place full of love, care and kindness. The kids and adults of Hope did their most to welcome us and make sure that we felt at home. They succeeded, Hope foundation and Msae feels a like second home now.

To meet these people who put all their time and love in to helping these kids as been very inspiring and I felt good being able to contribute myself as well. This is a small organization and therefore you will see what difference your work does and how you can help.

A lot has happened with this organization in just some few years but there is still more to be done and more volunteers are needed. So, if you feel interested, do not hesitate to contact Hope foundation!

Ulrika Hamberg, Sweden

Jag bodde på Hope foundation en månad i slutet av 2012. Det var otroligt roligt och sällan har jag varit på ett ställe med så mycket kärlek och omtanke. Alla barn och vuxna gjorde verkligen sitt yttersta för att välkomna oss och få oss att känna oss som hemma. Dom lyckades, Hope foundation och Msae är som ett andra hem fär mig nu.

Att se hur dessa människor lägger ner all sin tid och kärlek på att hjälpa barnen har varit väldigt inspirerande för mig och det har känts bra att själv kunna bidra. Eftersom detta är en liten organisation ser du på en gång vilken skillnad till arbete gör och hur du kan bidra och hjälpa till.

Mycket har hänt med den har organisationen på  bara några år med hjälp och stöd utifran men mycket är ännu ogjort och fler volontärer behövs. Så om intresset finns, kontakta hope foundation!